
[提问] You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

# J" f) z, S, A1 z我有新邮件?如何查看?


妖城在线论坛% D! s  U/ e7 y4 O9 m) i
# P; ]* z+ I- i; W7 i/ B+ f# U—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲートMail version 8.1 6/6/93.  Type ? for help.—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲート3 I: t; P( Z  s4 M
"/var/spool/mail/root": 47 messages 47 unreadbbs.mocwww.com/ a' N7 B; D3 F' i
>U  1 logwatch@localhost.l  Thu Jun 10 11:40  44/1638  "Logwatch for localhos"
5 C  c/ @) q" V0 k7 r魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表 U  2 logwatch@localhost.l  Fri Jun 11 04:02 143/6923  "Logwatch for localhos"# Y! ~% S3 C0 e& V' D* a5 H
U  3 logwatch@localhost.l  Sat Jun 12 04:02  77/3703  "Logwatch for localhos"
4 O2 w  s  n! \' _7 W! I- | U  4 logwatch@localhost.l  Sun Jun 13 04:02 141/4615  "Logwatch for localhos"魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表2 I* b  R: Y- o' ^/ d* i
U  5 logwatch@localhost.l  Mon Jun 14 04:02  84/3101  "Logwatch for localhos"
# J& _9 k2 p8 [6 C妖城在线论坛 U  6 logwatch@localhost.l  Tue Jun 15 04:02  44/1638  "Logwatch for localhos"bbs.mocwww.com# y" s4 z5 |2 J& u- b$ B% o4 f
U  7 logwatch@localhost.l  Thu Jun 17 10:49  44/1638  "Logwatch for localhos"魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流) H! O9 C, w6 e- }' _) ]
U  8 logwatch@localhost.l  Fri Jun 18 04:02 121/3871  "Logwatch for localhos"
5 |6 R  D8 g) v8 a  q3 q. o3 ^& |妖城在线论坛 U  9 logwatch@localhost.l  Sat Jun 19 04:02  96/2901  "Logwatch for localhos"
  x' t9 T; Q3 h7 g( z妖城在线论坛 U 10 logwatch@localhost.l  Sun Jun 20 04:02  44/1638  "Logwatch for localhos"
. z+ S) y* R6 r+ Z4 h5 ^! o: [魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流 U 11 logwatch@localhost.l  Mon Jun 21 04:02  52/1899  "Logwatch for localhos"
4 ]+ s! w* ~3 q/ C$ b! r# obbs.mocwww.com U 12 logwatch@localhost.l  Tue Jun 22 04:02  98/3255  "Logwatch for localhos"+ B0 Q) Y( S8 t1 l- R- \) F( {
U 13 logwatch@localhost.l  Wed Jun 23 04:03  90/2696  "Logwatch for localhos"bbs.mocwww.com8 c! _* J7 l6 l; @8 e9 T) {' X
U 14 logwatch@localhost.l  Thu Jun 24 04:04  64/2263  "Logwatch for localhos"
$ D+ c) ]1 R  L$ K6 k' ]妖城在线论坛 U 15 logwatch@localhost.l  Fri Jun 25 04:08  84/2748  "Logwatch for localhos"魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表; W8 T( m1 b/ ^+ [" h* s8 ^; g! q
U 16 logwatch@localhost.l  Sat Jun 26 04:02 108/3443  "Logwatch for localhos"
' U, S3 f+ Q4 R* ?+ S2 U3 h& v U 17 logwatch@localhost.l  Sun Jun 27 04:02  44/1638  "Logwatch for localhos"魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表% \) N0 D# t3 ^2 F0 N
U 18 logwatch@localhost.l  Mon Jun 28 04:02  52/1899  "Logwatch for localhos"魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表/ w3 P4 h6 q2 ?" I
U 19 logwatch@localhost.l  Tue Jun 29 04:02 112/3763  "Logwatch for localhos"
) g0 n  n5 q, O& n, [ U 20 logwatch@localhost.l  Wed Jun 30 04:02 132/4214  "Logwatch for localhos"
0 Y5 w4 k% I6 L% W7 @4 ?& ?—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲート2 \% E4 C' P* b' U* D/ \  \
    Mail   Commandsbbs.mocwww.com$ `8 Y' V) g, b/ U* Y
t <message list>                type messages魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流, q) j- w6 p/ z. ?+ T. ~0 K8 R
n                                goto and type next message
$ j/ g5 ^# ?# w7 r( {魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流e <message list>                edit messages
/ d2 v( Y+ E7 }! L( z/ O/ g) Q妖城在线论坛f <message list>                give head lines of messages
# X; \0 y+ c: ]# e妖城在线论坛d <message list>                delete messages
, i3 V* ~! v+ P$ e5 C* K—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲートs <message list> file                append messages to file
* i/ Z& y: \& P/ o, L  ^魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表u <message list>                undelete messagesbbs.mocwww.com/ M6 `6 j3 {9 Z9 m
R <message list>                reply to message senders
! Q* R  z" X  D$ Q0 {r <message list>                reply to message senders and all recipients魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表6 t& A. c6 p  w* m+ N- M# K
pre <message list>                make messages go back to /usr/spool/mail魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流5 H% n5 g$ m- ]& y0 i7 k& q( Z
m <user list>                        mail to specific users
" G" U% u/ a4 w—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲートq                                quit, saving unresolved messages in mbox—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲート5 g* d# V/ N- p. W' ~, u3 V
x                                quit, do not remove system mailbox
+ C8 f! ?3 ]. G9 x魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流h                                print out active message headers
8 l' m: a, {0 {9 D  o+ D2 A魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流!                                shell escape
9 F) z$ `% C7 v: r: Fbbs.mocwww.comcd [directory]                        chdir to directory or home if none given—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲート  P+ O  b7 A2 s, w# s! m+ Z) I- a2 q2 l
魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表- O& y/ j' r! w9 ~* G7 F
A <message list> consists of integers, ranges of same, or user names separated
8 A, o/ Q7 p; b3 s3 t8 {( f8 O魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流by spaces.  If omitted, Mail uses the last message typed.魔力私服,最新魔力宝贝私服技术交流/ h, s4 k8 [# q' @' J7 ?1 h, S+ m

: `+ ], f; m& AA <user list> consists of user names or aliases separated by spaces.) q6 \1 B1 V* h& x8 {' H0 O/ D' Z
Aliases are defined in .mailrc in your home directory.
: y3 }4 w$ [) B  ?5 v% B0 y* u—魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,DELPHI编程,魔力寶貝, 魔力宝贝, 크로스게이트,クロスゲート& q
+ y5 Z6 V1 g, W4 B" \' A8 ?Held 47 messages in /var/spool/mail/rootbbs.mocwww.com8 y, j' z6 {% t
[root@laim /]#
- e* K4 W$ r( N/ t魔力私服,最新魔力私服,魔力宝贝私服,魔力宝贝私服技术,魔力宝贝私服,私服架设技术,妖城,FLASH,电影,黑客,网络,网吧,破解,入侵,注册表
6 p4 A  k' `2 g( K. |7 Sbbs.mocwww.com
$ v7 e, b* n! N5 g3 ~妖城在线论坛看上面吧,



